I just finished limbs for another little one last night. They still need to be sanded and painted, but they are finally sculpted! I also finished another two babies a little while ago and since I had them here at the same time, I took a few photos of them together. I'll share one of them with you here... a sound little sleeper and a cranky little fellow. It looks a bit like a fist fight is about to errupt in this picture though! :)

I just LOVE them. I wish one day I could adopte a little boy from you. I can't take my eyes off of your cuties. ~HUGGS~ Gen xoxo
Good to know you're feeling better hun. Nothing worse than illness to make you feel behind on your work.
I love these babies of yours, just gorgeous they are. I adore the grumpy bub, he looks just like my daughter as a newborn.
Thanks for sharing.
Hey Nat,
They are the cutest little things. I am glad your feeling better and back to work. Love your babies.....
Thanks everyone! I should have some new pictures to post in the next couple of days.
I love them both, simply beautiful as always
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