
To Come...

A glimpse of a newborn size baby to be produced as a reborn kit.


Tina Kewy said...

Happy New Year Natalie!!
he (or she) looks so cute but you are as bad as me with the teasers :)
Can't wait to see more!!!!

Gen said...

Natalie I love your new baby! I Love all your babies LOL Can't wait to see your cutie all finished! Happy New Year Sweetie! Hugs xoxoxo

OOAK babies by Mina said...

What an awesome kit that will be! I can't believe that is a sculpt and not a real baby. I so wish I had more time to reborn, that's definately one kit I would buy!

All the best in 2010~!


Natalie Scholl said...

Lol Tina! I have to admit, I like doing teaser photos sometimes. :) Happy New Year to you too!

Gen, thank you! Nearly finished now.

Thank you Mina. I have the last piece baking now. Can't wait to do photos. ;)