
Caught Up!

Well, it is the middle of the night here and we are in the midst of a snowsquall... yet again. A night where we were only supposed to get "less than 1cm of snow" has now amounted to quite a lot more! It does look pretty out... blustery, but pretty.

I have finally caught up by finishing all the resins that I have here to do. I am now waiting for the rest of the edition to be shipped to me so I can finish numbers 8-20... the studio is a bit behind in schedule.

Here are some pictures of numbers 5, 6, and 7.


Jordan the Fourth

Here she is... number four in the edition...

The Fourth

I have made more progress in my resin edition... the fourth baby is now finished. Including all the proofs, I have now completed seven of these little ones and, surprisingly, it does not seem like it. I do miss my sculpting, but I am glad that I am not tired of finishing these resins. I will post pictures of her as soon as her "mommy" has seen the pictures for herself.

This week brought about a lot of activity surrounding my preemie. I had many emails about him. I was not at all prepared for this to happen. He was just a little guy that I knew was flawed, but I wanted to finish him anyways. I wanted to see what he would be like when he was all painted and put together. I discovered that I love his size. I also discovered that there are others out there that love him, just as I do. :)


My Little Guy

Two posts in one day... must be a record for me! :)

Today I had planned to spend the whole day organizing and cleaning. I ended up doing a little bit of that, and then I pulled out my preemie that I started months ago. I worked on it until he was finished. This is the baby that had a couple of moonies in the leg and a small crack at the corner of one eye... so he will stay here with me... my little guy. I have decided that I do very much like this size. He is about the size of a 3lb baby I think.

Anyways, here are some pictures of him...

Now There are Three

I finished number 3 in my resin edition the other night. I was waiting to hear back from the new mommy before I made pictures public. :)

Here she is....


Number 3

Today marks the day that number 3 will be born. All the pieces are now ready and a body is waiting... I, on the other hand, at 3.20am have a bed that is waiting for me. :) Later today when I awake, I will put her together and make her little diaper and pacifier. These little ones have been such a long time coming, that it is nice when I finally come to the moment when they are ready for their very first photo session. The next few days have snow in the forecast, so hopefully I will be able to get some nice photos with the aide of some artificial lighting.

More to come...


Forgotten Blog

With the hustle and bustle of Christmas, I entirely forgot to come back to my blog. I do sincerely apologize! I had a very busy holiday... and am now catching up with my next set of resins that arrived over the holidays. All my relatives have returned home in the last couple of days and I am back to the grind on these little ones. I did get numbers 1 and 2 finished and shipped... they even both arrived to their new mommies in time for Christmas. Here they are....

These two were a little difficult to photograph due to lighting issues. Number 1 in the edition has medium brown hair, (it looks mostly dark in my pictures), and number 2 is actually blonde... for some reason she shows up looking like she has strawberry coloured hair. The lighting issues were due to the weather. Almost every single day up until Christmas, it snowed here. I can't remember ever having so much snow so early in the season. Normally we are hoping for a white Christmas... this time, there was no question it would be. Following that, it got very mild with heavy rains and we experienced flooding. It sure has been a strange season so far!

I am presently working on numbers 3 and 4 in the edition now. I find I like working on two at a time while I paint, because it allows me to keep working while one is drying. Hopefully soon I will have pictures of two more to post!

Again, sorry for neglecting my blog. :)